Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Second World War Sexual Violence

I read about lots of sexual violence during the Second World War, so violent that the person with weak heart could not read it. With in the duration of Second World War, more than 10,000,000 of age females 10-80 of were raped, look at the stats; approximately, the total female population of Nepal. Soldiers keep women as their slave just for sex. One woman raped by many soldiers in just one day. Those who stand against them were beaten, whipped without giving food and raped by group of soldiers. Those who got pregnant due to that rape was aborted and some are even vaccinated to cease their fertility. In china, soldiers did pathetic act by making father to have sex with their daughters and sons to their mother instead of doing dirty deeds by themselves. Many forcefully made prostitute or sex slave during Second World War were died. And those who are alive are physically handicapped and mentally compromised. With lots of hard feelings and heavy heart, I am writing this blog full of cruel violence that happen to women.

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