Thursday, November 29, 2007


pH of sewage depends upon the organic and inorganic constituent of sewage most of the sewages exhibit alkaline pH. Basically alkaline pH is contributed by sullage however, established or aged sewage sometimes exhibit reduced pH because of formation of organic acid during decomposition. Besides reduced pH is also contributed by presence or inorganic anion.
Gases are also the physical factor. Among the gases, the various type of gases are present, methane and ammonia is comparatively higher. However, very low amount of dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide may present. Methane and ammonia is released during anaerobic decompsition that contributes foul odour. Among organic matter present in sweage, particularly protein is higher than carbohydrates and fats and fats being in the least amount. Organic matter are contributed by human and animal excreta and also sometimes with the kitchen wastes.

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