Sunday, August 26, 2007

My way to control my stress

Sometimes I feel mood-off like everyone and I know this quirkiness is just the manifestation of brain’s reaction in my face. To feel good I just change that stimuli by my own opposing reflex action. Some of them are:

1. Just smiling

Thinking of joke and try to forget the situation. Thinking of the people that bring happiness to life to the life I think of my mother, my girl friend if they are the ones who are responsible for my mind mismanagement then joke book is always there to make me smile.

2. Clean my room

When ever if fell irritated or my mood is turned-off next thing I used to do is to create visual confusion. Cleaning my room, picking up the clothes from floor, removing glasses form the table. Most of the time it worked.

3. Sing a song

I am not a good singer, but whenever I am stressed out this is the best escape, I play the song and sing along. Stairway to heaven or paradise city any song that soothes my mind. And during moment like those, louder is better.

4. Cook for myself

Though not a good cook, I make myself a tea or cook bowl of noodles or just peanut butter in popcorn or bread in sweet-n-sour soup make my own recipe. investigating the relation between taste buds and brain cells and calm myself down.

5. Exercise

This is scientifically proved stress buster, and I had been applying that since my school days, just stretching arms and back chase the sleep during my boring classes. I dribble the basketball till the sweat drench all the body so, heavier the exercise better will be my stress management.

6. Playing with puppy

Pet is good for many reasons it’s also proved scientifically. Just taking dog in a walk also do but I prefer to play with my puppy.

7. Bathing and Dressing

It’s cool, after bathing dressing up the coolest dress that I own, that worked a lot but not most of the time.

8. Smoke.

The smell of cigarette once in while make me feel calm though it’s harmful for lungs but good for brain (my view may not be applicable to all)

9. Masturbate.

This procedure works efficiently most of the time, actually in my view masturbation is lonely art, it’s not just a towel, magazine and hand to man relation. so...... do comment if it doesnot work.

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