Friday, August 24, 2007

Love: a lingering pain

Something is wrong with this person! These spoken words often fail to reach the mind of yours. It's difficult to say how long you had been such. Restless the life would be yours. Curling up in the sweet thought of the person and everybody seems to be an external enemy. Even your shadow gives you tremors. If anybody speaks to you hard, punishment would be in store for them like the unpredictable natural disasters. There was time when everyone was tolerant of you. Even your mother didn't mind at all if you messed up the things but now you are only one left now to quarrel up. Everyone in the family seems to be forgotten by you. And, you know, your mischief would be promptly excused. But you have no idea where to keep all your sweet feeling in hiding nor do you know whom to speak. You wish to go far away where nobody knows you. You feel like crying and laughing alternately. The recollection of the sweet memories make you completely lost whenever you find yourself alone. How fortunate you are to be loved by someone so special! You ask to yourself. To most of the people, you are proud person but those of your friend who know you well take you as a warm-hearted and gentle person, innocent in the ways of the world. Of course, you are also very well-mannered in this person's presence but the pain you have taken is not toxic but the sweet and the lingering pain. Not everyone you know, but both of you are pleased with this pain called love and you two are looking forward to the prospect of yourselves becoming the bride and the groom for your ''togetherness"........and the feeling of the dramatic and magnificent steps say " a sweet lingering pain".

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