Friday, December 7, 2007

The winter morning expedition

Year-by-Year, this is something, which is, never killed the winter morning expedition. Never a single morning come as exciting as those of summers for me. i no longer bother to rise very early to bath and put on clothes and tread outside the house. The presence of a big spread of fog always makes me stop being eager to go outside. Marks in the skin and wrinkles at the corners of the mouth and eyes shore would visibly seen in my face bagging laughter to many of my friends and the runny nose always

I begin to give interview how **** is such. Every morning at exactly the same time my interrogators visit me. Not the casual greet that passes for the greeting but the voice sick? How long does this “interrogation” last? For five…………. perhaps ten weeks. I have decided to face the pa9in of cold and even except if as an intrinsic part of my everyday life. I am bound to do my duty, as I am a student although I find this unpleasant. I shake my hand and legs (though gently because of cold) mind you, so as not hurt my finger, I’ve to hold the pen. But I can’t help my voice stop quavering. On this particular occasion, I just wish for the bright sunny day after an hour of my winter morning expedition, My friends then serve me tight with their arms to warm me up as the protective wall for my comfort. I am sure they also curb up to show the winters best feature. And instead of the Morning Prayer to God we always pray God sniffling with our usual morning blocked nose, Please make our teacher absent in the very period. Then after, feeling more fresh after the release the classes when I free myself from the cage I say to myself wincing at the sunlight, the another seasonal day is gone!!! But the mention of my victory over the winter morning will be snatched again the following day. ………………………………..Another the stupidest time of the year.

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