Tuesday, December 11, 2007


One day some weeks ago, I was walking in tune of my Walkman, on the way of Kantipath, it’s the time around four at the evening. The time was really the rush hour, all the school buses, the tired face returning from their offices after whole day’s a work. Just about I reached to the crossroad of Tridevi Marga; a junction at Keshar mahal. I heard the siren of ambulance constantly increasing and at the location where it’s about to make it’s way through that heavy traffic jam, one Toyota land rover drove in between the way of that ambulance, the whole happening of that instant had been seen by me and with full of wrath in my mind, I started cursing that land rover driver. On that very instant, I tripped over the boulder of the rock and before I control my fall the electric pole stood into the way and I slammed into that metal pole. I can’t think anything else. Suddenly, that sweet music of my favourite song turned into noise. And as soon as I plugged out my earphones from ears and one middle-aged male from behind came on shouting “didn’t you hear that I was shouting you are going to hit that pole”? Anyway, I got the lesson that the anger you raise for others burn yourself and top of that KEEP YOUR BOTH EARS OPEN WHILE WALKING.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kina lekheko chiana muji interim jahta

paid esma dherai lekheko ta chaina jahta