Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Thank you Smorty!

I started blogging with the inspiration of my blogger friends, actually they all are the guys from same hood, they are authors of dvasports, writer's pit and Da ugly devil's heaven. I was blogging just to pour my feelings in cyberspace. Though I am new to this world of blog, but I manage to earn few bucks with little help from my friends. Whenever I search the freelance job on internet, I was always fascinated by the advertisement like get paid for blogging, etc. I didn’t know how to do, and where can I get paid, then my friends gave me name of some sites that connect advertisers and bloggers. Payperpost and Smorty was the first two site where I submitted my blog. Payperpost approved it little quicker than Smorty, but Smorty has also approved me. Now my earning from blogging will rise up slightly. Thank you Smorty.

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