Thursday, September 6, 2007


Burning like candle, I saw this phrase used firstly in one of the cards given to our Maths teacher when i used to be in seventh grade when he was going for further education to the United Kindom, the name of the college E.... college I forgot, actually I was talking about being as the teacher, when I taught in the School for about 2 years, i was happy everyday just sharing and shouting whatever I know. The duties gradually turned in beauties. I forgot everything, the communication breakdown with own surrounding, I was happy all the time for being nice enough to the little kids at the school, clapping and slapping them according to the necessity of the situation. giving tips and tricks about algebraic formula, science and its phenomenon. but one day i came to life that sharing knowledges is fine but it would be much better if I learn something new for myself, I turned students again with lots of zeal and enthusiasm, with the vision to bring revolution the country in my own way. Now, I am happy again with different view: a second sight. learning new matters once again. I felt it's hard to give light to others, but as a student it's putting oneself on fire. so most of the timewe are asked to write about essay on " Student life is golden life.

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