Saturday, June 23, 2007

My mis-education towards Buddhism

When I was in my high school days, I once went through the sentence that Buddhism is the religion aroused from the northern part of India. I didn’t like that at that moment because I hated India (I’ve already read many stories in my childhood). He was born in as the royal prince of Suddhodhana and Mayadevi who ruled wisely acclaiming the heart of people belonging to Shakya clans, in the city of Kapilvastu, the beautiful city on the foothills of Himalayas. Yeah Nepal lies in the northern part of India but that’s not how you define school-going children book. Does it refers that Nepal is northern part of India, Can’t agree at all, I really feel offense if it is like so. But writers are wrong then and now. Kapilvastu lies not only north to India but also to east and west. Shrinking our political boundaries and engulfing the Sikkim and Gadwal doesn’t make Nepal another state (Mind It). And for more kind information, Buddhism is not religion………’s a vision aiming towards the purity of mind (my one surely not pure). Man!!!!!!!!! God damn it. Buddha life’s many auspicious days are spent most part of India and you guys didn’t referred any book to try to know that. Religions divide people but teachings of Buddha converge; converging into one religion that’s humanity; giving us the vision why and how you are in the earth at first place. We are here for a reason not for the wars in the name of religion. Haven’t read many but none of the holy epics command us to kill other human or any forms of lives. But don’t say it religion, it’s just the teaching from the prince-turned-sage named Gautama Buddha who rediscovered the knowledge of Vipassana (the meditation) and spread this to half of the globe more than twenty-five hundreds year ago without any advertisement. Gautama is the one who was against worshipping carved sculpture of deity have the most number stone carved, metal carved, and clay statue in 21st century. He is the enlightened one, blessed one visited on earth in this era just for human welfare.

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