Friday, June 29, 2007

Garbage, Is it a problem?

Garbage management

I wonder what’s garbage? What are the things that are really needed to dispose? The things that you don’t need any more.
Obviously, at the first instance they are the things, which are of no use for us anymore. But think twice before discard anything. Another person or other organization may utilize it. Though substances like unwanted papers, plastics, glass bottles, irons and metals etc may workable for someone or some other communities. That’s why garbage should be defined as “wrong things in wrong place” or “ the things that we can’t make it functional. If viewed as the unrecognized resources garbage is not that big problem. But it’s management being the greatest challenge. Garbage is usually viewed as unwanted and disposable materials and garbage management is not our duty; these perspectives made municipal garbage management the real hard job.

How to?
Garbage management deals with minimization of garbage and hazardous impacts due to garbage; which can be done by two ways
a) Reduce the quantity
b) Reduce the hazardous impacts
A} My Four Rs to Really reduce the quantity
1. Refuse the use of non-biodegradable substance
2. Reduce it, if can’t
3. Reuse, most of the substances can be reused
4. Recycle it into raw materials
B} to reduce the hazardous impacts
1. Proper collection
2. Treatment
3. Safe disposal

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