Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blogspot VS Kathmandu

Blogspot: The place where you are allowed to have your say, and have worldwide reader if they want to read. Time is mine, and time is money. Pour your thoughts and be relieved. All I want to be a just another blogger in town: talking bout his views with different perspective welcome all kind of positive and negative comments. Inspired by my fellow blogger I initiate this step and I found it very wonderful. In this era of cyber technology, it is the means of spreading your thoughts, vision, and views; and I know I missed the earlier train. Now, I am consoling myself better to be late than never. I hope that my blog won't clog pipeline of this cyber world, being Nepali and borne in city of art Lalitpur and brought up in city of temple, I regard myself very fortunate as i got many more opportunities and facilities which millions of nepali is deprived of.

KATHMANDU: A place of Opportunities for valley outsiders and 76ers. If you're not Nepali for your kind information KATHMANDU is the capital city of NEPAL. And heard that some years back it is announced as metropolitan city, but being citizen of here, I don't think that government has done anything like that to make it up to the standard of any metropolis. The list of problem of Katmandu goes on as ever increasing immigrants though it may be national or international, Within these last decades, it has observed high volume of population increment giving rise to list of problem in kathmandu, from water supply to transportation. The rising numbers of vehicles are the main cause for this urban temperature arousal in this Shangri-La. In Kathmandu, people supply more, consume more, pollute more, and think of solution lesser. So, I want to suggest all the valley outsiders to think about it, love it or leave it.

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